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Memorial Day is only 45 Days Away!

The sun is out, the chill is off the air, and the daffodils are blooming! Spring is here and Summer is just around the corner. Are you ready for swimsuit season? Will you be comfortable in your body and have no issues with taking the kids to the beach or the pool? Or will you be wearing the mommy bathing suit with a lumpy cover-up and feeling uncomfortable? It's not really about losing weight or becoming's about feeling comfortable in your skin and being confident.

I am going to this weekend and buying my first swimsuit in probaly 5 years. Between the weight gained during my autoimmune condition and treatments and then my pregnancy with the twins I can't remember the last time I was comfortable in a swim suit. The last thing I want, with dealing with two crazy 2 year olds at the beach or pool, is focusing on my own uncomfortableness and not focusing or interacting with them!

So I am taking action.

I am currently finishing up my 2nd round of 21 Day Fix. Then I am starting PiYo on 27 April.

Take action yourself and apply to join my Summer Confidence Fitness Challenge Group.

How Does it Work?

There are going to be 2 options for the group because

1. There is a sale going on and I (and you) love saving money.

2. I know these programs well and they work well for getting summer ready.

So Here's the Deal...

First, you are committed to using Shakeology once a day for the program duration of 10 weeks. This is not your typical protein shake!! It is a meal replacement with the proper carb to protein ratio to keep you full for 2-1/2 to 3 hours, to give you natural energy, to curb cravings for sweets, and to keep you healthy! Most of us have good intentions of eating healthy, of cooking and preparing all our meals each day, but lets face it life happens: we run late, we oversleep, the kids misbehaved and we are finding ourselves running out the door without breakfast or lunch. This usually leads to hitting Starbucks, a donut place, or the vending machines at work. Instead, you literally grab a shaker cup, water and Shakeology! It's that easy. If you have more time you can add extras to it like coffee, almond milk, almond butter, etc. But it is easy Breakfast on the go without having to think. It's nutrition in a glass and it's convenient!!!

Second, when you sign up for my challenge group you don't just get a bag of Shakeology and a fitness program (like when someone purchases directly off Amazon or! If you purchase from me, you are added to one of my closed online support groups, where no one but the members of the group can see what is being posted. Then, I have an entire week before we start and I call it "Pre-Season" and this is where we plan and prep. I help you write goals, we do pics and measurements, we talk about meal planning in depth. I set you up for success before you even start the program on Day 1. Each day you log in, read the daily post, log your accountability stats and you stay focused on your journey! There will be ups and downs, days you want to quit, or days that you feel like the progress isn't happening fast enough. And that is why I am here! I will help you stay focused and accountable so this program doesn't become something else you buy, have good intentions and then life get in the way and never finish! This time it's different!!

How do I Start?

I offer a couple options for this group:

1. The PIYO Kickstart: This program is THE ultimate package to kick your results into quick start mode! You will receive the 3 Day Refresh to start your regimen, PIYO, and your first month of shakeology! Wanna know a little more about the refresh? Check this video out!

2. PIYO Challenge Pack: This is the program for those who are ready to JUMP in to clean eating and low impact workouts from DAY ONE! You'll receive PIYO and your first month of shakeology! What is PIYO exactly? Check this video out!

3. Select Your Own Challenge Pack: Not sure if PIYO is your thing? That's ok! I've got an entire tool box filled with nutritional programs to meet all fitness levels and all fitness interests!

For 30 Days you commit to working out and focusing on the meal plans while participating in our online, closed accountability groups. I provide the coaching FREE, meal plans, favorite recipes, motivation, and a little but of sass to make things fun!

Challenge Group starts Prep on 27 April!

My Coach code is 607816 BuckeyeByDesign

We are Buckeye By Design

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